What our Customers say...

General Testimonials

"Amazing company great people straightforward honest, super super-clean and they really know what they're doing they took care of everything  in my house moving all the furniture wrapped all the pictures they did the work very impressed special thanks to Mr. Alex"

"My go to people...This is the best restoration company in the Area!!!"

They responded quickly to my call and within less than hour were at my house. I am definitely recommending them to my friends and family.

They looked after my house as if it was their own house. Their immediate response was impressive. They offer GREAT customer service.

I am extremely satisfied by their service. They are very caring and professional.

I am so happy that my insurance agent called SERVPRO Northwest Ontario. Their service was very professional. They have a very skilled and trained crew. They knew what they were doing which was very important to me as I had many bad experiences before.